About Our Family of FungaBlend10® Antifungal Products

Happy Foot Shop began from a veteran Podiatrist’s office who started dispensing non-prescription solutions along with other foot care products,  to offer patients the very best in high quality care for a reasonable price. Wanting to help as many people as possible, Happy Foot Shop was created and moved into eCommerce.

Having battled toenail fungus repeatedly during his career, the Dr. teamed with a Naturopathic Doctor and a FDA registered laboratory to create FungaBlend 10®, the first topical nail fungus treatment that blends the 10 proven strongest plant medicines with 1% Tolnaftate, the FDA approved active ingredient available in other topical antifungal treatments. Shortly afterwards we developed the Urea 40% Nail Gel to work synergistically with the Antifungal.

We are frequently asked, “Why not be an all plant based antifungal ?”  Simply because plant medicines or Tolnaftate as stand- alone ingredients, while effective, aren’t as powerful as when combined. Along with Jojoba Seed Oil and Sweet Almond Oil as carrier oils to nourish nails in our Antifungal, the FungaBlend 10® Family of Antifungal Therapies are truly the best of both Science and Nature.

Ethos Statement

1. We are committed to developing the most efficacious antifungal therapies using our 10 proprietary plant medicines fused with safe and well studied antifungal medicines under the guidance of the FDA and all regulatory agencies.

2. We only work hard for our customers and employees, sorry investors but you are a solid third.

3. With education and communication we promise to simplify the prevention and treatment of nail fungus, so our customers can focus on more important life issues.

4. We are a small but mighty team, that lives daily with true entrepreneurial spirit and courage. It’s a little crazy to start your own pharmaceutical company and we rely on each other’s expertise to make sure our doors stay open.

5. Grow our business organically and proudly with diversity, respect and humility. We are here today because passion and personality matter.

6. Celebrate the small successes while building towards our next company goal, take pride in our achievements and have some fun along the way and always stay well stocked with cookies!