Antifungal Solution

First antifungal with the strength of 1% Tolnaftate plus 10 Powerful Plant Medicines

FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution

FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution is the first antifungal with the strength of 1% Tolnaftate plus 10 Powerful Plant Medicines, and 3 Carrier Oils for nail penetration and nourishment. Developed by a Podiatrist and a Naturopathic Doctor to create a potent fusion of science and nature.


Proven clinically effective in the treatment of most athlete's foot (Tinea pedis) and Ringworm ( Tinea corporis). Helps prevent most athlete's foot with daily use. For effective relief of itching, burning and cracking.

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About the Product

  • FDA Approved, Clinically Proven - Only Anti Fungal with the strength of 1% Tolnaftate and 10 Powerful Plant Medicines.

  • Podiatrist Developed, Professional Medical Strength. Nail FungusTreatment

  • Easy, Twice Daily Treatment, Opaque Formula Dries Quickly & Will Not Stain Fabrics.

  • Also includes 2 Carrier Oils for Penetration & Nourishment.

  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

  • FDA Approved Topical Antifungal Solution containing 1% Tolnaftate and 10 Potent Plant Medicines for A Fusion of Science and Nature. Clear your nail fungus using the best of both!

Safety Information

For external use only. Do not use on children under 2 years of age except under the advice and supervision of a doctor. When using this product avoid contact with the eyes. If swallowed, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center immediately.


Tolnaftate and 10 Powerful Plant Medicines

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Clinically Proven

FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution is the only antifungal with the strength of 1% Tolnaftate and 10 Powerful Plant Medicines, including penetrating nourishing carrier oils.

FDA Approved active Ingredient

1% Tolnaftate - Is an antifungal agent first approved in 1965 by the FDA and is used to treat fungal conditions such as jock itch, athlete’s foot, ringworm and toenail fungus.

10 Potentate plant based medicines

1. Snakeroot Leaf Extract - Natural and effective treatment , Snakeroot leaf extract has in studies, shown ability to treat Onychomycosis ( toenail fungus). Research conducted at the Biomedical Laboratory of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social involved 96 patients; 49 of which were treated with an active compound form of snakeroot leaf extract. The other 47 patients were given 8% Ciclopirox (broad-spectrum antifungal agent brand names; Penlac, Loprox ). Results showed the snakeroot leaf extract was equally as effective as some prescription medications when applied topically to affected area.

2. Aloe Vera Gel - Aloe Vera Gel contains two hormones: Auxin & Gibberellins. These 2 hormones provide wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce skin inflammation and allow skin to heal quickly.

3. Grapefruit Essential Oil - The antiviral and antimicrobial properties of grapefruit essential oil make it a powerful disinfectant. It not only protects the body from infections but also eliminates the infections already there.

4. Lemon Peel Oil - Lemon peel oil acts as a natural astringent, antiseptic, and bactericide on the skin. It further has the ability to stimulate the white corpuscles in the blood, which defends the body and fights infection.

5. Lavender Essential Oil - Lavender essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. An all around powerhouse essential oil, Lavender has been clinically proven to be effective against fungi responsible for common skin and nail infections.

6. Tea Tree Oil -  Well known as an antibacterial treatment, tea tree oil is also loaded with antiseptic, antimicrobialand fungicidal properties. For greater effectiveness we have blended our tea tree with the carrier oils; sweet almond oil, jojoba and vitamin E.

7. Oregano Leaf Oil - Oregano oil contains Carvacrol and Thymol compounds which has the ability to kill harmful microbes in the body. These powerful phenols have anti-bacterial, antiviral , anti-parasitic and antifungal properties.

8. Jojoba Oil - We added Jojoba Oil as a plant rather than a oil because Jojoba oil is a mixture of long chain monounsaturated liquid wax esters. They are structurally different from triglycerides, which are what most of the other seed oils are made of, so technically Jojoba Oil isn’t really an oil. Jojoba Oil closely resembles human sebum. It has antimicrobial properties and contains iodine that prevent harmful bacterial growth. Jojoba oil lessens irritated skin and promotes natural production of collagen.

9. Rosemary Leaf Extract  - Rosemary contains many powerful medicinal properties with a wide array of nutrients such as iron, calcium, vitamins & antioxidants. Its cell regeneration abilities are effective in treating visible skin conditions & replacing the damaged tissue. 

10. Thyme Extract - There are several kinds of Thyme oils.  FungaBlend 10 uses Thymus Vulgaris for its strong antiseptic activities and is 60 to 70 percent Thymol, which effectively protects skin from harmful bacteria & fungal infections. 

Carrier Oils

Carrier Oils are used to dilute essential and other oils prior to topical application. The term carrier oil is derived from their purpose in carrying the essential oil onto the skin and nail. Each carrier oil offers a different combination of therapeutic properties & characteristics.

Sweet Almond Oil – Sweet Almond Oil is rich with glucosides, vitamins (B1, B6, B2, A, E & D), minerals and is rich in protein. It's perfect for all skin types and helps relive itching, dryness and inflammation. It quickly absorbs into the skin & nail and provides much needed nourishment.

Jojoba Seed Oil - Deeply hydrating and easily absorbed into skin and nails, studies have shown that jojoba oil provides a substantial long –acting layer of moisture. Jojoba is full of nutrients like Vitamin E and B, as well as chromium, copper, and zinc, which all nourish and protect skin.

How To Use



1. After washing the fungal area with an antibacterial soap, cut the fungal nail as short as possible.

2. File down top of nail and affected area thoroughly with nail file. (Keep this file separate from other files and use on affected nails only).

3. Shake bottle before every use to activate plant medicines, apply a thin layer over nail area twice daily - (AM & PM or as directed by doctor). Allow to dry, 3-5 minutes.

4. In as little as a month, a new clear nail will appear if used as directed.


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Our staff Podiatrist has this starter trick to make your toenails whiter before your first application:

  1. Bleach nails using a solution of 2 Tablespoons of Baking Soda and 1 Tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Mix together, it should achieve a paste like consistency.

  2. Covering all the nail, use a cotton swab to press an even amount of mixture on top of each toenail.

  3. Allow the mixture to remain in place for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. ( If nails start to feel sensitive, reduce time to 5 minutes).

  4. Try this treatment once a week while using FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution for the fastest way to white, healthy nails!


**Toenail infections can take up to a full year to clear up while healthy nails grow back in. With continued use & some patience (toenails grow slower than fingernails) healthy, beautifully clear nails are attainable.

Antifungal FAQs And Safety

General FAQs

What is Tolnaftate?

Tolnaftate is a FDA approved antifungal agent used to treat fungal infections on the skin and foot. FDA approved in 1965, Tolnaftate safely and effectively treats ringworm, jock itch and athlete’s foot.

How is FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution different than other 1% Tolnaftate based antifungals?

FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution is the first and only antifungal to contain 1% Tolnaftate plus the 10 best antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial plant medicines. We added 2 carrier oils to penetrate and nourish the nail and surrounding area, plus urea for debridement to aid in the delivery of the solution to the site of the infection.

Usage & Directions

How often do I need to use FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution?

FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution should be applied twice a day morning and evening, preferably after showering, or as directed by your physician. If you are using the Urea 40% Nail Gel combination therapy, you only use the FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution one time a day. Please refer to the Urea How to Use directions for the combination therapy.

How do I use FungaBlend10® Antifungal Solution?

Directions for using FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution:

  • Wash affected area and dry thoroughly

  • File down affected area thoroughly with nail file ( Keep this file separate from other files and use on affected nails only, best care would be to use a new file every few days )

  • Shake bottle before every use to activate plant medicines, apply a thin layer over nail area twice daily

  • Allow to dry, 2-3 minutes

Does FungaBlend® take a long time to dry?

No, it is specially formulated to penetrate nail and dry quickly. In most cases, FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution dries in 2 minutes.

Why Does FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution look like it’s not blended?

FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution is an opaque formula that brushes on and dries clear. The formula is completely blended.  Just remember to shake before each use!

Safety Concerns

I’m pregnant , can I use FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution?

Please tell your physician Tolnaftate has a pregnancy rating of Category C. Only your physician can advise you on the healthiest course of treatment for you and baby. Please share the ingredient list with your physician, to make an informed decision.

What side effects can I expect?

There are no known side effects associated with FungaBlend 10®. All ingredients are naturally derived with the exception of Tolnaftate. Tolnaftate can cause minor irritation or redness in people with a sensitivity. This is a very small percentage of the population.

I have nut allergies, is FungaBlend10® safe for me to use?

Nut allergies are a reaction to the essential oils of the nut. FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution does contain Sweet Almond Oil. If you have a demonstrated allergy to Almond Oil please use product on advice from a physician only. Please share the ingredient list with your physician, to make an informed decision.

Other Information

How long will a bottle of FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution last?

It would depend on the amount of area being treated but a 15ml bottle should last 3-6 months with twice daily application.

Does FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution expire?

Yes,  FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution has been granted a 3 year expiry from the FDA.

Any Parabens? Animal Testing?

No,  FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution does not contain any Parabens. We love animals and would never consider animal testing. FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution is made in the USA and FDA approved.

Does FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution have a Money –Back Guarantee?

Absolutely, we stand behind our development of FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution. If you are not satisfied please email us at ( or leave us a comment or concern, we are always here to help.

Tips During Treatment

Helpful hints during treatment with Antifungal Solution

Curing toenail fungus requires both treatment and prevention. Patience is also key , it can take 6 to 12 months for a new toenail to completely grow in healthy and clear.

1. Keep your feet clean and dry, especially between the toes. Use an antibacterial or antifungal soap.

2. regularly during treatment to get rid of damaged nail.

3. Replace your emory boards and orange sticks often, to avoid re-infection, fungus can easily return.

4. Keep your shoes dry and as clean as possible. Use Lysol® or an antifungal spray like Mycomist® made specifically to deodorize and sanitize the interior of your shoes. Also new to the market is an ultraviolet shoe sanitizer called, ShoeZap™, that emits a specific wavelength of germicidal ultraviolet light in a 15 minute treatment.

5. Our staff Podiatrist says: “ If you exercise regularly, buy your athlete shoes a half size larger than your regular shoes, so you won’t bash your toenails as your feet swell during exercising.”

6. Keep your socks dry and clean. We suggest wearing white cotton socks so they can be washed with bleach after each wearing. If your feet get sweaty, bring a spare pair and change them. Fungus loves moisture in dark areas.

7. Depending on the severity of your toenail fungus, you may require a painless laser procedure to kill the fungus in the toenail, usually with one treatment. Using FungaBlend 10® afterwards for up to a year, is the best treatment option for eradicating tough to cure toenail fungus.