FungaBlend10® will be sold from our website on February 5th, 2018

Hello To Our Customers ! 

January 24, 2018

We are happy to report FungaBlend10® is finally compounded and is lot testing with the FDA , this is where they run a series of tests on the "entire" produced lot. This took 4 days and was completed on 1/19. 

From here, FungaBlend10® will be bottled, labeled and boxed. The lab has us scheduled to be completed by next Wednesday. Before the lot can be shipped, the FDA does one last unit spec test where they pull random units from the lot and run the product through the same testing procedures. 

We know it's a lot - but it is procedure and the best safety protocol for our customers. 

We are in the home stretch! Please hang in there, we appreciate all your emails and are very excited to share our new look and the best topical antifungal on the market.  

FungaBlend10® will ship from the lab on January 30th. Our lab is located in California and we will have product to sell from our website on February 5th. It typically takes a week for Amazon to process fulfillment - so expect to be able to purchase from Amazon around February 9th. We are currently working with them to update our listing. 

Thank you again for your patience, we want to make sure our customers know this was a one time occurrence and we won't have product shortages going forward. 

Take care, stay warm and healthy and know we are looking forward to doing business with you very soon! 

The FungaBlend 10® Team