DIY Natural Remedy for Whiter Brighter Toenails!

Our staff Podiatrist has this starter trick to make your toenails whiter before your first application of FungaBlend 10®:

  1. Bleach nails using a solution of 2 Tablespoons of Baking Soda and 1 Tablespoon of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. Mix together, it should achieve a paste like consistency.

  2. Covering all the nail, use a cotton swab to press an even amount of mixture on top of each toenail.

  3. Allow the mixture to remain in place for 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water. ( If nails start to feel sensitive, reduce time to 5 minutes).

Try this treatment once a week while using FungaBlend 10® for the fastest way to white, healthy nails!