Consumer Education

Crazy Nail Fungus Treatments and The Internet (eye roll)

Crazy Nail Fungus Treatments and The Internet (eye roll)

We get a lot of questions about the efficacy of non-medical treatments (DIY) for curing nail fungus found on the internet. Most of the time, we find the DIY treatments to cure nail fungus super silly and we giggle a little and roll our eyes. After all, If Vicks Vapor Rub or Listerine could cure nail fungus – it would be listed on their respective labels and other marketing material and trust us – they would be leading with that claim.

3 Easy Ways to DIY and Disinfect Your Nail Clippers at Home

3 Easy Ways to DIY and Disinfect Your Nail Clippers at Home

We are all about helping you with your nail fungal treatment at FungaBlend 10® and want to keep your cost low while increasing your success rate at growing out clear healthy nails. What many people treating nail fungus do not realize is NOT disinfecting your clippers can be a major reason your nail fungus isn’t going away.  Fungal spores can live on all kinds of surfaces, including metal toenail clippers for months. When you cut your fungal nail with your clippers, you can easily transmit the fungi to your other toenails or reinfect yourself. In fact, the CDC recommends properly disinfecting all nail tools before every use.