Product Availability Update & Other 2020 News

Hello there, yes, it’s us with our first post of the year and normally we would ask “how’s your year going?” but we already know the answer and well yep us too….. Le sigh ……..

Quarantining makes for some business challenges and we have run out of inventory of FungaBlend 10® Antifungal Solution. The good news is we are currently back in manufacturing and should be back in stock by October 1st, 2020.

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We want to reassure you everyone is working hard to produce a new lot of our Antifungal Solution and with a newly added bonus: A new 3- Year Expiry!  We needed to do some testing to be able to have a 3-year expiration date and our formulation passed all the required testing. All the big Pharma Companies that make an antifungal solution have a 3-year expiry and we just took our seat at the big boy table.
We are also working on opening more selling channels and have heard you loud and clear! We want our products to be convenient to purchase for all our customers. We get it, It’s all about the options! We will keep you updated on new channel providers as we can add them.
We have been quietly working on product number three, it’s still a top secret but we can say it’s a much-needed product to aid in the fight against fungus and a few drops is all you’ll need!
We know every day seems to bring a new challenge, we feel it too and want to say a big thank you to everyone for truly being the best customers. 2020 has slapped us all way too hard and we appreciate your support through this mess. Hang tough because in 4 1/2 months we all get to scream “Peace Out 2020!” and start fresh, who knew we would all need a full year do-over ?

Take Care of Yourselves and Each Other,  Stay Healthy & Happy!
Dena & The FungaBlend 10® Care Team