3 Easy Ways to DIY and Disinfect Your Nail Clippers at Home

Items to have on hand:

  • Glass container to hold solution and clippers

  • 70% Rubbing Alcohol ( or)

  • Chlorine bleach (or) Barbicide

  • Hair Dryer( or) Paper Towel

  • Plastic Bag that seals

  • Toothbrush/ Nail Brush for method #1

We are all about helping you with your nail fungal treatment at FungaBlend 10® and want to keep your cost low while increasing your success rate at growing out clear healthy nails. What many people treating nail fungus do not realize is NOT disinfecting your clippers can be a major reason your nail fungus isn’t going away.  Fungal spores can live on all kinds of surfaces, including metal toenail clippers for months. When you cut your fungal nail with your clippers, you can easily transmit the fungi to your other toenails or reinfect yourself. In fact, the CDC recommends properly disinfecting all nail tools before every use.

We put together 3 easy and Helpful ways you can accomplish this at home:

Method  #1

Cover nail clippers with 70% Rubbing Alcohol in a glass bowl. Let soak for 30 minutes. Rubbing Alcohol kills bacteria by destroying the cell wall as it dries. It’s important to use a  70% concentration because it contains the proper amount of water to alcohol. Water acts as a catalyst and plays an important role in denaturing the proteins of vegetative cell membranes. Simply put,  a 70% concentration penetrates  the cell wall more completely which permeates the entire cell and effectively kills it.

After a 30 minute soak, use a toothbrush or other hard bristle brush and brush all over your clippers. You can also soak your brush along with your clippers too and then brush if you wish. Dry your clippers with a blow dryer or disposable paper towel and when completely dry, place clippers in a zip style bag until your next use.  

Method  #2

Cover clippers with a blend of 10% Chlorine Bleach and 90% water in a glass bowl. Soak clippers for 30 minutes and dry and complete the process as in method #1.  No known pathogens can survive after being immersed in bleach for a full 30 minutes.  It is important to note bleach can accelerate rust formation, so be sure to dilute the bleach solution. If you have expensive clippers, please use method #3.

Method  #3

Cover clippers and soak in Barbicide® in a glass bowl,  according to company directions. Barbicide® is a professional and hospital grade disinfectant that is available for purchase on-line and at Sally’s Beauty Supply as a concentrate you will need to blend with water for under $20 depending on the amount of concentrate ounces. Barbicide® also contains a powerful rust inhibitor and soaking clippers for 10 minutes  is long enough to disinfect your clippers, while working to keep them in good condition. Dry the same as the previous methods and place in a bag for next time.

All 3 methods will require the use of a fresh solution each use- so chose the one that works best for you !

(Please visit our helpful hints page for more ways to help fight and prevent toenail fungus)