What is Urea and why is Urea important in curing nail fungus ?

New Year, New You and with Healthy Clear Nails!
Starting with Urea 101

We have received lots of emails from customers asking why we removed the ingredient Urea from our new formulation of FungaBlend 10® and the answer is because Urea is so important in helping cure fungus that we wanted to make  a separate product to be used together synergistically daily with FungaBlend 10®.

More on why we removed Urea from our FungaBlend 10® Antifungal

In our original formula we could only use a small percentage of Urea combined with Tolnaftate 1% as the active ingredient. Urea is a very beneficial  active ingredient on its own and we felt using an Urea gel based product once a day along with FungaBlend 10® was medically more effective in curing nail fungus than the smaller percentage we were allowed to use.

Using Urea gel along with an Antifungal product is the standard  treatment for fungal nails if you seek treatment from a Podiatrist office.  Several of the pharmaceutical  companies that only sell their products directly to doctors offer a Urea gel product to be used concomitantly with their Antifungal.

We want to put the power of treatment into our customer’s hands and don’t feel that nail fungus (unless extreme or  resistant to normal treatment) should require a visit to a Podiatrist office. We are currently developing an entire line of Antifungal Products to do just that and our Urea 40 Nail Gel under the FungaBlend 10® family of products is only a few months away from being available. We will send out lots of updates and keep you informed!

So in getting back to our original question -  What is Urea and  why is it so important? 

Simply put, Urea works as a Keratolytic, which means it softens Keratin,  the main component of your nails. Urea therapy will thin your fungal nail which allows FungaBlend10 ® to absorb into your nail much better than without it.  Urea works by “shedding off “ the first few layers of yellow, crumbly fungal nail while binding moisture in and allowing the Antifungal treatment to sink and absorb into the nail.

What’s the result?

A faster and  more effective way to rid nail fungus than by using an Antifungal alone. Remember nails aren’t  considered medically cured until the nail grows back in completely clear, so while Urea won’t help your nails grow in faster, it will help cure your fungus so as your nails do grow in – they are clear!

We are super excited to bring you Fungablend 10® Urea 40 Nail Gel. We are going to offer our nail gel as a single product and in a combination package with Fungablend 10® Antifungal for the ultimate product combo in Antifungal Treatment.

Stay Warm and Take Care. We Wish Everyone a Happy and Healthy Toes New Year!